RBC Structured Notes are created for investors who are interested in:
- The potential to earn a return greater than what is available from traditional investments
- Exposure to equity markets with the potential for enhanced returns with the possibility for mitigating downside exposure.
- Exposure to equity markets that are otherwise difficult to access directly.
- Investors who are comfortable with potential loss of principal, depending on the note terms.
- Investors who are comfortable with the credit risk of the issuer.
Some of the risks associated with RBC Structured Notes are:
- All payments are subject to the issuer’s credit risk.
- Potential to lose some or all principal.
- Limited to no secondary market.
RBC Structured Notes may provide regular fixed-payment or contingent payment cash flows. RBC classifies these notes as Income Notes. Periodic payments may be contingent on the performance of the applicable asset.
This information is available within the Products section of the website. The preliminary and final offering documents are filed and available for review on the SEC website.
All fees and commissions are set forth in the relevant prospectus.
While not obligated to do so, RBC or its affiliates may maintain a daily secondary market in its sole discretion. Any secondary market may not provide significant liquidity or trade at prices advantageous to the investor. Notes are intended to be held until maturity.
Your investment advisor or broker can sell Notes through RBC LaunchPad if RBC or its affiliate is maintaining secondary market liquidity at the time. If you are a financial advisor with RBC Wealth Management, from the RBC LaunchPad homepage, select “TradewebDirect”, select “Bid Wanted Request” and enter the CUSIP. For technical issues with Tradeweb, please contact the Business Application & Support group (the Bats line) 1-866-789-6608. If you are a financial advisor or broker not affiliated with RBC Wealth Management, please contact your fixed income or syndicate desk. If you are a client that owns an RBC structured note, please contact your financial advisor or broker. For general questions regarding selling Notes through RBC, please contact the desk at 1-844-408-7346.